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Your brake rotors work tirelessly to bring your vehicle to a halt on busy roads, rough terrain, you name it. 

But what happens when Mother Nature throws a curveball?  

Believe it or not, the weather can significantly impact your brake rotors, affecting their performance and lifespan. 

Let’s dive into the nuts and bolts of how various weather conditions can influence these vital components.

Rain and Humidity

Wet conditions affect your brake rotors in the following ways:

Corrosion and Rust

Brake rotors are typically made from cast iron, a material prone to rust when exposed to moisture. When it rains or when humidity levels are high, moisture can accumulate on the surface of your rotors. 

If you park your vehicle for an extended period, this moisture can lead to the formation of rust. The rust acts as an abrasive, wearing down both the rotor and the brake pads more quickly than usual. Over time, this wear can lead to more frequent replacements of these components.

While normal driving can easily scrape off light rust, severe rust can cause pitting and uneven rotor surfaces. This can lead to reduced braking efficiency and increased wear on brake pads.

Reduced Friction

Wet rotors can also reduce the friction between the brake pads and the rotor surface. This can result in longer stopping distances and a spongy feeling when applying the brakes.

Although modern vehicles are equipped with anti-lock braking systems (ABS) to help manage braking in wet conditions, your brakes can still be compromised if the rotors are excessively wet.


Now the rainy season is over, and in comes the hot season. But don’t celebrate yet. Extremely hot conditions can also spell bad news for your brake discs. 

Here’s how:

Heat Expansion

During hot weather, the metal of the brake rotors can expand. This is a normal response to increased temperatures from both the ambient environment and the heat generated by braking. 

However, if the rotors become excessively hot, they can warp. Warped rotors can cause vibrations and reduce braking efficiency.

Brake Fade

Brake fade is a condition that occurs when the brakes overheat and lose their ability to generate friction. This can happen during prolonged braking, such as driving downhill or in heavy stop-and-go traffic on a hot day. 

Risky, right? 

When brake fade occurs, the rotors and pads can become glazed, reducing their ability to grip each other and thus decreasing braking performance.


Extreme heat can also cause your brake rotors to develop cracks. These are usually small surface cracks. However, if they become severe, they can compromise the integrity of the rotors and lead to brake failure. 

It’s essential to monitor the condition of your brake rotors regularly, especially after driving in extreme heat conditions.

Cold Weather

While we may not experience snow or icy conditions in Kenya, it’s worth noting the effects of cold weather on your rotors.

Brake Fluid Viscosity:

Cold temperatures can cause the brake fluid to thicken, affecting your brakes’ responsiveness. If the brake fluid becomes too thick, it may not flow properly through the braking system, reducing the effectiveness of your brakes. 

Always use the appropriate brake fluid for your vehicle and climate, and have it regularly checked and replaced as needed.

Rotor Contraction 

In cold weather, the metal of brake rotors can contract. This contraction can sometimes cause the rotors to warp slightly. Warped rotors can lead to vibrations or pulsations when braking, reducing the smoothness and efficiency of the braking process.

How to Keep Your Rotors in Check During Extreme Weather

Regardless of the weather, regular inspection and maintenance are vital for keeping your brake rotors in top shape. This includes:

Visual Inspections

Have your brake discs regularly inspected for signs of rust, warping, and wear. Catching these issues early can prevent more severe damage and ensure your braking system remains effective. 

During these inspections, a professional can also check brake pads, brake fluid, and other components of your braking system.

Proper Storage:

If you live in an area with high humidity or frequent rain, consider parking your vehicle in a garage or covered area. This will help reduce the exposure of your brake rotors to moisture and subsequently reduce the risk of rust. Using a car cover can also provide some protection from the elements.

Regular Cleaning

Keeping your brake rotors clean is essential. You can use brake cleaner sprays specifically designed to remove grime and rust from the rotor surfaces. Avoid using high-pressure water directly on the brake components, as this can cause damage.

Use High-Quality Components

Investing in high-quality brake rotors and pads can make a significant difference. High-performance rotors have better heat dissipation properties and are more resistant to warping and cracking. Ceramic brake pads, for instance, can provide better performance and longer life compared to standard organic pads.

Drive Carefully in Extreme Weather Conditions

Avoid slamming on the brakes, which can put extra stress on your rotors. Instead, practice smooth, gradual braking and maintain a moderate speed to reduce wear. Be sure to keep a safe following distance to avoid collisions.

Resurface or Replace Rotors

If your rotors are damaged or worn down, consider resurfacing or replacing them. A professional can advise you on the best solution.

Important Notes

  • If you live in an area that experiences extreme weather conditions, consider having your rotors inspected more frequently than usual.
  • If you notice any changes in the way your car brakes, such as a pulsating feeling in the brake pedal, this could be a sign of rotor damage. Take your car to a mechanic right away to have it checked out.

Closing Thoughts

Weather conditions can impact the performance and longevity of your brake rotors. Rain and humidity can cause rust and reduce friction, cold weather can lead to warping, and heat can cause warping, brake fade, and cracking. 

Understanding these effects and taking preventive measures can help you ensure your braking system remains reliable and effective, regardless of the weather conditions. Remember to invest in high-quality braking components from reliable manufacturers like Varsani Brake Linings. 

Ready to arm yourself for the elements? Get in touch with us today for quality components.